Friday, April 15, 2016

Pandemic Legacy Season One - Feb, Mar and Apr

Well, that went downhill fast.

February (Second Half)

With three characters being run things went fairly well.  All three remaining diseases were cured, with both red and black being eradicated.  Zero outbreaks were encountered as well.  The Yellow Peril was kept in-check using remote Quarantine protocols.

Result – WIN

Added bonus – Black Death now does not need to be cured from a Research Station, and Red is now cured as soon as five cards are held (no action needed!)


The same team were deployed for March, given their success in February.  Military support was made available; Military bases can be deployed in the same manner as Research Stations and can be used for direct travel by some Specialists.  These measures were not needed, however, as the three disease were again quickly brought under control, again with both Red and Black being eradicated.

Result – WIN
A new research station in Sao Paulo was upgrade to a permanent installation (to provide access to south America to make containment easier), and Red is now easier to Cure, only needing four cards.

“Let’s play one more”, Matthias said.

“We’re doing well, Matthias said.

“What could go wrong?”, Matthias said.

Anyone would think there was a GM to hear that…


One military base was available from the beginning of the month, however, to aid our efforts.  Again, we had one mandatory mission (cure three dieseases) and two optional (Eradicate one disease, Build one military installation per Region) with two completed missions winning the round.
So far, so good.  Except April did not get off to a good start.

Initial outbreaks to begin the game in Essen and Milano (neighbouring Cities) and an Epidemic on the first round meant a rapid flurry of cascading Outbreaks in Europe.  This was quickly brought under control by the Medic whilst a cure for Red was found.

That’s about the time shit got real.  The next “Stop” card was to be turned after the second Epidemic card was completed.  This led to the Alarm…Yellow (COdA) has mutated.  New cases of the fever were reporting the infected were experiencing translucent skin, and passing through a violent aggressive stage before succumbing to Death’s warm embrace.  Oh, yes, and any character in an infected city at the start of their turn will take a scar.  These Gummy Bears are dangerous.

Yes.  Pandemic just went World War Z on our asses.

Any new cases of Yellow would not use cube markers; instead a new piece, the Gummy Bear would represent new cases.  The first city to see this new strain would have the ‘colour’ icon changed to a green Biohazard marker, and any other cities would also have the marker changed as new cases were found.

Whilst anxiously waiting for Patient Zero to be located, the team continued to cure the remaining two diseases whilst doing their utmost to keep Yellow in check with Quarantines.  Eventually these measures failed, and first Mexico City, then Bogota and Los Angeles reported cases of the mutated strain.

Above: Gummy Bears take Central America.

Above: Braaaaaaaaains!

Fortunately the team again prevailed and found a cure for the three other diseases before things got too far out of hand.

Result – WIN
Bonuses – I think we kept the military base in Istanbul, and added the insta-cure upgrade to Black.

Looking forward to April…