Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I managed to get along on my first Dynamis run on Sunday after waiting four weeks for a location I can join in on.

After making sure I had the prerequisites (I did) seen the cut scenes (I had) and supply of cookies (munch), I waited at the Trail markings in Jeuno for things to kick off.

After the usual introductions, I asked if anyone had any advice for a noob white mage on his first Dyanmis run.

The advice can be paraphrased as "Keep up re-raise, don't aggro and spam cure".

Wow, I *like* Dyanamis already. That's the sort of instructions I can remember.

Then things got complicated.

The shell I am in (MidgardLS) is made up of various European countries (mostly). And some of them started speaking Dutch and French!


Since I speak neither, I could see complications arising as a team member who needs healing forgetting my lack of language skills aks for a Cure in his/her native language!

What would I do?!

So I asked what was French and Dutch for "For the love of gods cure me you dopey white mage can't you see I'm dieing?!"

In true cooperative fashion, Tukker suggested "WIIILLLYYY!!!!!"

Yup, that would work.

The run itself was fun...looking forward to more!

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