Friday, June 11, 2010

Running from, running to.

Dynamis Windurst last Sunday, and everything is going great until we get to the mega boss.

I’m KO’d by a particularly nasty area of effect move from one of the mobs, which drops me on the spot. Yes, I should have been standing farther back, but hey, hindsight is wonderful.

I manage to wait for a lull in the immediate are to get back to my feet, and run for a quiet spot. I notice that Greggles, a Tarutaru red mage who got whacked even harder than I did has the same plan as is bouncing along beside me.

As we run, we notice on the screen that a few of the alliance are dropping like flies. Anyway, we have far more important things on our minds, like getting out of AoE range again and making sure the mobs aren’t following us.

We reach the (relative) safety on the bridge down to the Moghouse, and assess the situation.

One intact white mage? Check. But some of the cookies are a little crumbled...
One intact red mage? Slightly rumpled, but Check.
Reraise back up? Hell yes.
One dead mega boss? Check
All mega boss mobs dead? No...
34 alliance members face down in the dirt?

Then Greggles and I realise a slight tactical error on our part. The eight or so mobs are all between us and everyone else. In our concentration of what we were running FROM we neglected to consider the TO, and ended up the ‘wrong’ side, with no way back.

Cue instant jokes from everyone else, with suggestions that I drop-kick the Tarutaru over to everyone else, to one of us acting as bait to let the other one through, or seeing if we can sneak past without the mobs aggroing (sure, Greggles, after you my friend).

Fortunately at least one of the alliance had re-raise up, so was able to gradually get everyone back up and on their feet eventually, and ten minutes later they had cleared the mobs enough that we could rejoin the group.

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